Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Learning about genres and how they function is a really fresh take on what writing composition is about.  As I read through the essay of navigating genres, I realized just how much I know about genres in my normal daily routine and the rhetorical features that ties into these genres. 

One of my favorite genre that I know very well is Role-Playing Video Games. To break down what a role-playing game is, one must understand the rhetorical features that ties into the genre.  A story is one important aspect that makes up a role-playing game. A world is then created, within it comes the main character, supporting characters, non-player characters, villains, monsters. In a role-playing game, the option to level up the knowledge and skills of the character is presented, usually a very customizable method in which the player chooses how they would improve the character that was portrayed. 

Just by knowing these rhetorical features in a genre, I can now feel more comfortable with writing about a video game review or just a research paper about the genre. I was taught in the past with any form of writing, that a brainstorm is usually the normal process before the writing begins, follow by an introduction, a body paragraph, and a conclusion. I am sure these elements are still a big part of learning writing composition. However, I do feel that knowing and understanding the genre in the topic chosen makes a much better start than blindly picking up a pencil and write down anything that comes to mind.

I always felt like there was a restriction when I write, never felt that freedom usually because I only write when I am told to either by my instructor or in the work place. I do feel that once I can develop a form or a process which can allow me to freely write, only then can I truly enjoy writing. 

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