Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Last time I wrote an about me section was for a dating website, so I am guessing this won’t score me a hot date like before. However, I do want to take the opportunity to introduce myself on here to tell you all a little bit about where I came from and why I am here now.

My name is Warren Chang, and I am going on to be 34 years old comes this July. My Passion has always been in the creative process. At the age of 5, I was enrolled in a watercolor class, later spend two years learning to play the piano at an early age, then throughout high school and the first few years of college, I studied art and animation in hopes to find a career in it. Ultimately I decided that working in sales and establish a career in business was the safer way to earn a living, as a result my passion for the creative process was locked away, never knowing what the potential could be.

So why am I here writing a piece in the blog about me for a writing composition class? well about two years ago, my life was not where I want it to be, I was single again and everyone around me was moving on to bigger and better things in life. I had a lot of time to think about the career path I was heading and it lead me to believe that I still have love for the creative process as I picked up my first DSLR the year before. I quickly fell in love with photography and I wanted to further educate myself and possibly find a career path within it. That was when I found Brooks Institute and took a leap of faith, left my hometown and start anew, towards a new path and ambition that will ultimately define my career.


  1. Are you from Hong Kong!!!?!?!?!?!?

  2. Are you from Hong Kong!!!?!?!?!?!?

    1. yes I am! Moved to the US when I was 9, moved around quite a bit but I'm just loving Ventura county thus far! hopefully this is will be my home for years to come.

    2. Nice~! I like Ventura too. It's quiet and peaceful. There is no traffic when you go to school. And if you wanna get something fancy, just drive an hour or two to go to Santa Barbara or LA. You said that you were living in HK until 9, then I assume that you could speak Cantonese :) Oh, I really like your intro! It is different than what I have seen before. Probably because you have a really great writing skill. By that means, I am interested in reading your upcoming blogs :) Alright, thanks for applying me. Have a good night! (Excuse my poor grammar, I am still trying to improve my writing.)

  3. haha Smooth intro, for sure.
    I enjoyed reading your about me because you almost gave us a gist of "through out the years." You know?
    I can definitely appreciate your first hand open-ness.
    Also super cool you had time to yourself to analyse, gather, and come to the conclusion to "be true to you."
    Cheers to your new journey!

    1. haha I am glad you enjoyed my first ever blog! You guys will be a part of my journey here at Brooks, so Cheers to the both of us and the journey we will par take together!

  4. Warren Chang,

    This blog won’t score you a hot date? Ha! Great start. ☺

    You’ve got a cool story about how/why you’re here. I really admire the “leap of faith” you took to come out here and start a new chapter of your life. Sometimes I feel like people nowadays are less inclined to “go for it”—to be bold, brave, and take risks. It sounds like you’re willing to gamble some short-term uncertainty for long-term passion. That’s awesome.

    Your description of RPG video games and that hypothetical review is on-point: that’s exactly what we’re going for here—by gaining an awareness of conventions and how they function, we will be better able to deconstruct genres here on out. Once we can deconstruct them, we can replicate (write) them more effectively.

    I’ll leave it at that for now. Excellent start.

