Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My Artist Statement

A photograph tells a story that, as viewers tend to fill in the blanks in-between. The passion to create comes from the artist, what he or she composes with the camera will tell a story only the photographer would know, only then a personal connection is made with the viewer. The greatness of a photographer isn’t about the images created but the responses it will elect from the viewers. 

After seeing the work of fame photographer, Martin Schoeller, in his series of celebrity close up portraits, I was inspired by the way he was able to capture the essence of his subjects. The lighting technique was simple, but it was unique and it tells a story only he could’ve told it. These celebrities are not directed to pose a certain way, the image just naturally happen as the shoot progresses, ending with a powerful yet unique image.

In my series, Alter Ego, I documented a group of cosplayers who portray the character they grown to love and adore within the pop culture of today. These people are passionate about the costume and the personality they portray in the character themselves. I wanted something original, something that tells a story about not just the character they become but the person within the character they choose to portray. The cosplayer are shown a side where they are fearless, powerful, and passionate, but looking past the costumes and masks, these individuals are who you see that walks amongst us. 

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